Wednesday, 16 June 2010

Apple Cider Vinegar

The three pullets have been in their new home now for a few days. They are still a bit 'skittish' and run up the ramp into the hen house everytime somebody approaches the coop. Even when hanging out the washing in the garden sends them into the house; except Cheif Cluck, she seems the most 'chilled' cluck.

Joined a Poultry Forum to ask a few questions regarding settling in new hens. The advice given was to add Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) to their water for a few days. This apparently has numerous health benefits and supports the immune system. It is full of vitamins, minerals and trace elements helping to lower the pH level in the stomach and helping digestion. So took a trip back to Thorne's Poultry Centre to get some ACV and added it to their water, about 20ml to litre of water (2%). It didn't smell much like apples but a rather strong vinegar odour.

Their food feeder, which was situated on the ground, always seemed to have at least one dollop of pooh in it every day. So we decided to hang the feeder about five inched from the ground . Used a bamboo rod and looped a brass chain over it to suspend the feeder. The chain seemed too heavy for the bamboo rod so might change it for a strong piece of string, but shall see how it goes.

We are cleaning the droppings tray every day and have cleaned the nesting boxes once and replaced the straw in the run twice, all within four days! Not sure whether we are 'over cleaning' or not but we seem to be going through a lot of straw and sawdust.

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