Thursday, 15 July 2010

The First White Egg

Letting the hens out for their early morning walk around the garden I checked the nesting boxes and there in the right hand box, gleaming white, was a small white egg; it was still warm. Finally, KFC has laid her first white egg.
This made sense because yesterday KFC didn't appear to be herself. She didn't follow the other two around and often just stayed in the run. She also appeared more docile and not running away when approached. She obviously had things on her mind.
The egg had a small hairline crack at the pointy end, so there was only one thing to do. Fried egg on toast for breakfast, yummy! Here's to many more small white eggs.

Sunday, 11 July 2010


KFC, the hybrid White Star, being the lightest and smallest of the three hens seems to delight in perching on anything in the garden including flower pots, garden chairs and even the garden table! In the picture below you can see her standing on the garden chair surveying the back garden.

KFC's other favourite past time is dust baths, and lots of them. At every opportunity she digs out a small shallow hole and snuggles down in the cool earth. Given time she will even go to sleep closing her eyes and dosing in the sun.

She has yet to come into lay and therefore must be two or three weeks younger than the other two who are in full egg production mode. She is also the 'skittish' and often runs, hops and 'flys' away when approached. The closest you can get to her is when she's having her bath, she is the most relaxed then.

Saturday, 3 July 2010

Hot Weather

Finally, the hot weather has arrived with temperatures in the high 20's. We have made sure the water is refilled at least twice a day. The hens don't seem to be bothered too much by the hot weather. The coop and run is situated in the shade for most of the day, nestled against the rear fence with the overhanging trees.

Egg production has been good with two eggs per day over the last few days, no new soft shelled eggs. So it looks like the soft shells were just the hen's bodies settling into laying.

We caught Chief Cluck going into the house whilst the other two were roaming the garden. She was sitting down in that 'laying' position. A few minutes later she came out and when the nesting box was checked there was a small dark beige egg. This was a good event, as now we can positively identify which eggs are Cullen and which are Chief Clucks.

We now have enough eggs to fill an egg box. Hopefully, KFC will start producing with her contrasting white eggs.